A latest survey by Right Management shows that 82% of hiring managers have used Skype and 18% of candidates have experienced a Skype interview, so as Skype interviews become more and more popular there are a few things you need to know before you make that Skype video call and potentially risk your chances of securing that new role!
Skype interviews have their advantages, for example you don't need to go into work suited and booted and have everyone asking you awkward questions like "oh you look very dressed up for work today, doing anything nice?". You can communicate across countries without the cost and hassle of travelling and for more local interviews you don't have the stress or worry of getting stuck in traffic and running late. There is also the advantage that a Skype interview is a good way of you getting to know the company and the employer getting to know you a little before you have a face to face interview, but even though this isn't the formal interview there are still a few pit falls that could stop you getting to that next stage!

Look and dress the part!
Even though you are behind a computer screen you still need to act as if you are meeting face to face. The interviewer may only be able to see your top half and unless you stood up wouldn't be able to see your Mickey- Mouse PJ bottoms, but to help you get in the right frame of mind always dress smartly and professionally. It is also recommended not to wear too much patterned or striped clothing as this may be distorted and come across badly on the camera.
Have a look at what they can see!
If you are conducting the interview at home or in a public place like a coffee shop, always have a look at what the interview can see. If you are sitting in your kitchen or home office make sure it is tidy. Have a look at what is behind you, is this what you want the employer to see? This is the first insight a company will get into who you are, so by presenting your surroundings professionally they will see you as a professional they can picture in their company.
Technical issues
We all have them from time to time and sometimes no matter what you do, you just can't get your computer to do what you want. If this does happen then you should be honest and open about the problem, tell the interviewer if you are having trouble hearing them and if things really are not working suggest the call is rescheduled when you have resolved the problem. To alleviate these issues arising, make sure Skype is up and working before the call and try a test call with a friend first. This way you know that you have done everything to make sure you are ready for the call.
Sometimes when you are talking to someone over the internet there can be a time delay. Make sure that you don't talk over your interviewer and let them finish before you start to answer. It may feel awkward at first if there is a slight silence, but use the time to think about your answer. Better that than everyone talking at once.
Eye Contact and body language!
Its always awkward at first when you talk to someone over Skype because you are sat on your own in a room talking ever so slightly louder than normal to make sure the other person can hear you clearly, but remember this is their first impression of you, so eye contact and body language is everything! I know it doesn't always feel right and it can be tempting to look at your image on screen or down at your notes, but by looking straight into the camera and sitting up straight you are making eye contact and your body language is strong.
Use Skype to your advantage!

It looks like Skype interviews are becoming the new way for employers to speed up the interview process and are here to stay, so by making sure you have prepared yourself and your surroundings all you have to do now is win them over with your knowledge and experience! Oh and don't forget to smile!
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