Thursday 3 October 2013

The good, the bad and the ugly side of using social media for your job search. Part 2


In the last blog, Kubo looked at LinkedIn and how it can help your job search, but what about when something you have said or done online comes back to bite you! This week Kubo are looking at Facebook, and like many people, you probably think that LinkedIn is for professional use and Facebook is for personal use, but unfortunately social media doesn’t work like that. What you say and do on your personal profile has a habit of catching up with you when you least expect it.

Most employers will Google their prospective employees before their interview, so your chosen profile picture and past pictures are the first thing an employer can see in search results. This is probably a good time to check your privacy settings and make sure your profile is set as private and be sure to select an appropriate profile picture, because these are viewable to everyone!

Whatever is viewable on your Facebook timeline tells an employer about you. If you don’t want future or current employers looking at your recent posts then lock it down via your privacy settings, because what you post may well hinder your chances of getting that job! Below are examples of how Facebook has cost a few people their job!

  • In 2009 a female employee had a bit of a moan on Facebook about her new job “first day at work. omg So dull!! Unfortunately for her this post found its way to her manager and 3 weeks later she was fired! 
  • In March 2009 a Swiss women was fired after phoning her boss and telling him she couldn’t come in because she had a migraine and the lights and glare from her computer would make it worse. She was later seen on Facebook and it was presumed if she was well enough to be on Facebook she was well enough to be in work! She was subsequently let go!
  • It’s never advisable to criticise your boss on social media, especially when you have them as a friend on Facebook! Below is the actual response that this young lady got from her boss! 


  • A male employee in the UK wrote this on his Facebook page, ‘I work at [insert company here] and can't wait to leave because it's s***"." He quickly got his wish and was sacked!!
 In many cases, potential employers can find their way onto your Facebook page even if you have enabled privacy settings by going through other employees or friends. So be careful what you post on Facebook and who can view your profile.! The first thing most potential employers do is Google or Facebook their candidates. Start by doing a Google search of yourself and see if you are happy with results. Don’t stop yourself getting that perfect job by having incriminating evidence on your Facebook. Once you do have that job think carefully what you write as you may well find yourself without one!

Let us know if you have ever got into trouble over a post you have wrote?


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