Monday 19 August 2013

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Slack off on your Job Search this August

We generally think of August as a slow period in terms of work and business, a period of vacations and holidays where most people and companies are not very productive. It may lead many job seekers to think they can slack off in August as well. It's time to get your head out of the sand and see why August can actually be an ideal period for your job search! Kubo Recruitment shares some thoughts on why August is not a time to slack off.

1. Companies and Hiring Managers are in a "Re-focus" period

While it is true that many people go on vacation at some point during August, many come back towards the end of August or beginning of September and look at this period as a "re-focus" time. This means they are re-evaluating priorities and goals for the second half of the year and getting back into work mode for the end of the year. It's a good time to catch them when they are highly motivated and re-focused. 

2. People are Generally in a Better Mood

It is estimated that 80% if jobs are found via referral. This means that networking is extremely important, and employers are generally in a better mood during the summer months due to better weather, more sunlight and thoughts of vacation. It could be the best time to ask your contacts if there are any job openings or if they can refer you for a job. 

3. Because August is Better than January

Many job hunters make the mistake of applying for jobs towards the end of the year, thinking that companies are looking to hire before the near year. The end of the year is the worst time to job hunt as companies are closing budgets and preparing for holiday periods like Christmas and New Years (and also Thanksgiving in the U.S.). On the other hand, many job seekers think right after the New Year is the best time to apply for a job. However, companies are still finalizing budgets. 

Besides the August/beginning of fall period, early spring is a good period to job hunt.

4. Everyone else is slacking off in August

Your fellow job seekers may be slacking off in August due to a slow business period. Use this to your advantage to do job research and contact those companies and employers who are working in August. Continuously check job boards and sites like LinkedIn for an idea of the job market and prepare and update your CV and cover letter. You'll be one step ahead of the slackers when that "re-focus" period comes around.

5. Not everyone is on holiday in August

While European countries might lead the way for summer vacations in August, keep in mind that not everyone is on holiday during this time. The French, Italians and Spanish are notorious for their long summer holidays and many businesses actually close for either 2 weeks or all of August. Many of these businesses tend to be operational (like factories and bars), so keep in mind that in a professional context, the company you are applying to may be open all of August. European Catholic countries celebrate a bank holiday on August 15th and usually take long weekends, but countries like United Kingdom are still open for business.

In the U.S., vacations in August are likely but don't expect the majority of employers to be on holiday like in Europe. Unlike the Europeans, most Americans do not take 2 week vacation periods - most just stick to one week at a time and likely check email during their vacation. August can actually be an ideal time for hiring in the U.S. 

Check out Kubo Recruitment's complete list of job openings and continue reading our blog for job hunting and interviewing tips. 

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